
Tag : Norvect



We are in the middle of a worldwide epidemic of Lyme and associated tick-borne diseases. Chantal Perrin is a documentary filmmaker from France who traveled across the globe to track Lyme disease in the US, France, parts of Europe and Africa. In this revealing documentary being released today throughout Europe, she tells the story of how people across the world are getting sick, and how our health care systems continue to deny the existence of this growing medical threat, leading to widespread suffering and disability.

We are very honored that Chantal Perrin will host the NorVect conference on vector-borne diseases together with Cathy Rubin.

Dr. Richard Horowitz, who also will be speaking at the NorVect conference, has this to say about the movie:

“I have patients with Lyme and associated tick-borne disorders who come to see me from Canada, Belgium, France, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, England, Norway, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico, as they are unable to get effective care in their country. I am featured in this film and interviewed in both my medical practice in the United States, as well as in France where I am lecturing to doctors and patients on the diagnosis and treatment of Lyme and associated co-infections, discussing how to use the MSIDS model to treat chronic persistent disease. Dr Rick Ostfeld from the Cary Institute, and Dr Eva Sapi from the University of New Haven are also interviewed in this film, as are physicians and researchers from across the world.

This film highlights the politics of Lyme disease, the unreliability of testing, the rapidly spreading and multisystemic nature of tick-borne illness, and how worldwide research is being hampered by socio-political economic challenges. The film makes it clear that patients are suffering as the scientific community battles about the etiology and treatment of this disease, and that “we rapidly need to come to a clear scientific consensus, not a consensus of denial”.
Please feel free to share this film with your family and friends. It is an important work with a story that desperately needs to be told.”

NorVect tar vektorbårne sykdommer på alvor

Arrangerer internasjonal konferanse på Grand Hotel i Oslo, 26.-27. mai 2014.

WHO dedikerte verdens helsedag 7. april 2014 til vektorbårne sykdommer, under slagordet SMALL BITE: BIG THREAT. Den 26.-27. mai samles flere av verdens fremste leger og forskere på vektorbårne sykdommer (bl.a. borreliose) i Oslo for å dele sin kunnskap.

For full oversikt over foredragsholderne, gå til:

Konferansen er et resultat av dialogmøte tidligere helseminister Jonas Gahr Støre inviterte til i juni 2013. Til tross for uenighet mellom pasientorganisasjoner, fagfolk, syke og pårørende, var det én ting alle var enige om: Det er behov for mer kunnskap. Helsedepartementet og Helsedirektoratet vil følge opp, med planer om en bredere erfaringskonferanse til høsten, skrev Støre på sin Facebookvegg. NorVect har fulgt opp dette ønsket.

NorVect er en ren pasientinitiert interesseorganisasjon og med private lån baner de vei i en debatt der myndighetene skulle ha vist handlingskraft og vilje.

– Vi arrangerer en internasjonal konferanse med det formål å øke forskningsfokuset og kunnskapen om vektorbårne sykdommer som f.eks. borreliose, bartonella og babesia. Vi vil bidra til dialog og erfaringsutveksling innen fagmiljøet, og på tvers av landegrenser. Vi ønsker at fagmiljøet utviser åpenhet, nysgjerrighet og nytenking om hva som foregår utenfor Norges grenser, og håper dette er et skritt på veien i å hjelpe det stadig økende antall mennesker som blir rammet av flåttbårne sykdommer, sier grunnleggerne av NorVect, The Nordic Network for Vector-borne Diseases, i 2013.

Foto: NorVect/Malin Davidsson

For mer informasjon om NorVect og konferansen:

“Share Your Knowledge” – “Develop New Insights” – “Show Your Compassion”

International conference on vector-borne diseases – first and biggest of its kind in Scandinavia

Sign up for the conference today!

Students and patients receive a 40% discount on the tickets for the conference. NOK 750 for one day or NOK 1500 for two days. Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to give this reduction. Last chance to sign up is Wednesday May 21st.

You can pay with credit card, Pay Pal and bank transfer.

Don’t miss the opportunity to experience some of the most renowned researchers and clinicians speak about vector-borne diseases at the Grand Hotel in Oslo May 26th and May 27th.

The program:


Norvect Conference Program

Program Monday May 26th 2014

7.45 am – 9.00 am


9.00 am – 9.10 am

Welcome by NorVect

Trine Skei Grande (Liberal Party, Venstre) gives opening speech

9.10 am – 10.10 am

Joseph J. Burrascano Jr. MD
Lyme Borreliosis – History, Clinical Presentations, Testing and Diagnosis (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)

10.10 am – 11.05 am

Jyotsna Shah, Ph.D, CCLD, MBA
What Have We Learnt About Diagnosis of Lyme and Other Tick-borne Diseases in The Last 20 Years? (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)

11.05 am– 11.25 am


11.25 am– 12.35am

Richard I. Horowitz, MD
Tick-borne Co-infections: Presentation, Diagnosis and Treatment. (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)

12.35 pm– 1.35 pm

Lunch – networking, knowledge sharing

1.35 pm – 2.35 pm

Christian Perrone, PhD, MD
The gap between current diagnostic tests for Lyme disease and associated diseases and the diversity of pathogens isolated in the world.(incl. 5- 10 minutes Q&A)

2.35 pm – 3.05 pm

Carl Morten Motzfeldt Laane, PhD
Easy Detection of Bacteria and Parasites in Infected Human Blood by Microscopy. Some Simple, Low-cost Methods. (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)

3.05 pm – 2.30 pm

Bela Bózsik, MD
DualDur®reagent & method in diagnosis & pathogenesis for TBD – 30 years practice (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)

3.25 pm – 3.45 pm


3.45 pm – 4.25 pm

Alan MacDonald, MD
Borrelia -diverse Morphologies in culture and in Human Infections (incl 10 minutes Q&A)

4.25 pm– 4.45 pm

Armin Schwarzbach, Ph.D, MD
Borrelia-Elispot: A Game-Changer in diagnostics?

4.45 pm– 5.30 pm

Dialogue/ Panel discussions

Program Tuesday May 27th 2014

07.30 – 08.30 am


08.30 – 09.30 am

Joseph J. Burrascano Jr. MD
Lyme Borreliosis: Treatment and Case Histories (incl.10 minutes Q&A)

09.30 – 11.15 am

Richard I. Horowitz, MD
Why Can´t I Get Better? Using the Lyme-MSIDS Map in Chronic Illness. (incl. 10-15 minutes Q&A)

11.15 – 11.30 am


11.30 am – 12.30 pm

Dr. Edward B. Breitschwerdt, DVM
Bartonellosis: A One Health Approach to An Emerging Infectious Disease (incl. 10 minutes Q&A)

12.30 pm – 1.30 pm

Lunch – networking, knowledge sharing

1.30 pm – 1.55 pm

Åshild Andreassen, Ph.D
ScandTick – Regional cooperation against tick-borne diseases. (incl. 5 minutes Q&A)

1.55 pm – 2.45 pm

Eva Sapi, Ph.D
Biofilms and antibiotic resistance of Borrelia burgdorferi (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)

2.45 pm – 3.25 pm

Alan MacDonald, MD
Human Borrelia Deaths, Autospy studies, and Chronic Morbidities (incl. 10 minutes Q&A).

3.25 pm– 3.40 pm


3.40 pm – 4.30 pm

Judith Miklossy, Ph.D, MD, DSc
Chronic Lyme disease and Lyme dementia (incl. 5-10 minutes Q&A)

4.30 pm – 4.50 pm

Randi Eikeland, Ph.D, MD
European Neuroborreliosis Long-term Follow-up

4.50 pm – 5.30 pm

Dialogue/ Panel discussion